Surviving abyss fall people playground
Surviving abyss fall people playground

surviving abyss fall people playground

Understanding my own counsel to be sensible, I redouble my efforts to find a way out of this place. After which Isutyr conjectures the failsafes might simply have failed to the point of remaining undetected.įor the time being, we leave the Abyss in a most cogitabund mood, having uncovered more questions than answers. Moreover, his team had not to deal with any failsafes when endeavoring to open the Door, which makes him believe that indeed these logs might be a fabrication. "Surely the logs must lie," she asserts as if to convince herself to which Mitty replies that, possibly, the logs have been fabricated by whatever anomalies reside in the Abyss. Isutyr is plunged into profound disbelief. Learning of this, Mitty is flabbergasted. The memory of all survivors, indicate the logs, will be wiped and failsafes will be installed to ensure no one even re-opens the Door. Reading on, and despite parts of the logs having been redacted, we gather that the expedition-having suffered heavy losses-eventually withdrew out of the Abyss, soon after Isutyr and her brother Maleon left together, to forge onward.

surviving abyss fall people playground

We girls emit an involuntary collective gasp. No sooner do we enter the Travelers' building that the guards want us to relinquish our weapons before we are allowed to push deeper down, into the bowels of MoonFall:

surviving abyss fall people playground

Well, now we go back to the Commercial district to pursue this strange matter and, hopefully, make sense of it all. Really, the entire thing is, for the moment being, an unexplainable mind-twister kept thus for the enjoyment of those behind the curtain while they pull the strings. There's an abyss, and in that abyss a door, and beyond that door-whose opening is conditionnal to Isutyr's presence-yet more of the abyss, and in that part of the abyss a prison, and the opening of that prison has been foretold, and the Three Moons want to help otherwise MoonFall in its entirety will be destroyed, and in a vision Miranda saw me in The Blue Chamber Where The Door Lies, and raspberry jelly-filled donuts are the best kind of donuts, etc, etc, etc. Do you guys remember the whole affair with Isutyr? Early on in the story, Miranda ( this gal) counseled her into talking with Director Mitty ( this guy) the matter being related to some alien business with a Gate below MoonFall.

Surviving abyss fall people playground